October 2018 Meeting – Handwriting Analysis of Folk from Orange County’s History – Speaker: Sheila Lowe


Our October meeting brings interesting insight into the character of some of our early Orange County pioneers.  Our guest speaker, handwriting analyst and expert Sheila Lowe, works with clients around the world and testifies in cases of handwriting authentication as well as personality assessment.

Sheila’s presentation will talk about the various aspects and use of handwriting analysis and she will be analyzing signatures and writing samples of famous people of Orange County – offering a peek into these people’s real character and honesty. Her books will be for sale after the lecture.

Her rich history in the field dates back to 1985 when she first qualified to testify as a handwriting expert.  Her Handwriting Analyzer software has been used around the world since the 1990s. Sheila has taught Introduction to Handwriting Examination at UC Riverside in the CSI certificate program, Introduction to Handwriting Analysis at UC Santa Barbara, and has presented seminars to bank managers to help them be better prepared when handwriting analysis is needed. She offers an online self-study course in gestalt graphology and lectures around the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Our meeting will be held on Thursday, October 11th, at 7:30 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Orange.

As always, members and the general public are cordially invited to attend.