History Hike: Flores Peak

Flores Peak
Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

4/12/24- This hike is full!

Join local historian, Eric Plunkett on a hike to the top of Flores Peak (California Historical Landmark #225) located in the beautiful confluence of Harding and Modjeska Canyons. Flores Peak rises 1,834 feet tall and is named for notorious criminal Juan Flores. In 1857 Flores and his gang escaped from Los Angeles after killing Sheriff James Barton and three of his deputies and hid out on top of this peak. It is an incredible story that includes Flores’ escape down the steep cliff of Flores Peak on horseback and his eventual capture by a Los Angeles posse.

The route is 1.5 miles in length with an elevation gain of 465’ and considered a moderate to strenuous climb. The trail is clearly marked; in addition, there are some steep sections with loose dirt. The entire hike should take about 2-2.5 hours including top of the mountain historical interpretation. If you went on the last History Hike in Weir Canyon, this will be similar.

You’ll need to complete and submit a liability waiver (sent with your confirmation) in order to participate.

**There are no restrooms on this route.**

Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024 (if it rains the hike will be held on April 27th)

Meet at 8:30 a.m. Hike leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m.

Additional information (directions, parking meeting location, liability waiver) will be provided as part of your email confirmation. The hike is limited to 20 vehicles max due to private residence parking limitations. Carpooling is strongly advised!

This hike is recommended for ages 13+.

HIKE IS FULL as of 4/12/24 (if you register now you are on a waiting list).  Priority will be given to OCHS members. To register for this hike, please follow this link: http://tinyurl.com/OCHSFlores

Any other questions, please contact: orangecountyhistory@gmail.com

La Vida Mineral Springs of Carbon Canyon

Beautiful pool at La Vida Mineral Springs, courtesy of Paul Spitzzeri

Historian Paul R. Spitzzeri will present “’This Miraculous Health and Curative Wonder Water’: The La Vida Mineral Springs of Carbon Canyon,” at the March 14, 2024 meeting of the Orange County Historical Society, 7:30pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Orange. The public is welcome!

Historic La Vida Mineral Springs, circa 1920, courtesy of Paul Spitzzeri

For most of the 20th century, La Vida Mineral Springs was a popular resort in the Brea portion of Carbon Canyon, offering hot mineral water baths and pools, a motel, cabins, a café and more. Its carbonated water was widely sold in many flavors and was promoted for its many purported health benefits. Today, little is left of La Vida, but Paul R. Spitzzeri will share with the OCHS some of the fascinating history that has flowed from the site.

La Vida Mineral Springs picnic benches,
Courtesy of Paul Spitzzeri

Born in Chicago, raised in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Placentia, and with a B.A. and M.A. in History from CSU Fullerton, Paul R. Spitzzeri is Museum Director at the Workman and Temple Family Homestead Museum, where he’s been since 1988. In addition to writing extensively about greater Los Angeles history, Paul, a resident of the Carbon Canyon neighborhood Sleepy Hollow in Chino Hills (2/10 of a mile from the O.C. border), has delved deeply into the history of the Canyon over the last twenty years and maintains the Carbon Canyon Chronicle blog.

We look forward to you joining us on March 14, 2024 to discover the history of the La Vida Mineral Springs,7:30pm at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Orange.