Time to start going through your garage or attic to get ready for “Show & Tell” night on Thursday, December 13, 2012, 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., in Orange.
This is the third time this popular and crowd-pleasing event is being hosted, but each one is unique since attendees share historical artifacts, heirlooms, and memorabilia from their personal collection with members of the Society and other guests.
At the last event, Phil Brigandi brought a mysterious knife from his family collection, seeking to find out more about its history. (See Chris Jepsen’s write up about this event and Phil’s knife at http://ochistorical.blogspot.com/2012/01/mysterious-knife-and-some-local-history.html.)
What will we uncover at this month’s meeting? Perhaps a tool used for picking oranges or avocados? Or a name badge from your employment at Disneyland that you wore on opening day. Maybe your great-grandfather’s branding iron? Or an outstanding photo of Orange County that few have seen before.
A sign up sheet will be posted at the front door, and those who brought an item to share will be called forth—in the order on this list—to share their item.
Whatever the night will bring, we look forward to the surprises in store for us!