

Members receive our monthly County Courier newsletter (September to June) with information about scheduled upcoming events, local history articles, and more. Members also receive a copy of OCHS’ annual Orange Countiana historical journal when published, and discounts on some Society events.

Annual Dues

Annual dues apply to the period of July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the following year. New members joining after March 1 will receive three months free, extending their membership to a full year and three months.

Membership levels and dues are as follows:

Membership LevelsDues
Student* (with copy of ID submitted)$20.00
Senior (age 65 and older)$25.00
Family (same address as another OCHS member)$45.00
Life Member$500.00
* denotes non-voting membership 

Purchase a Membership Using the Mail-in Form

To purchase or renew a membership by mail:

1. Click here to open a separate window/tab containing the Membership Form.

2. Do one of the following:

  • Fill out the Membership Form completely online and then print it
  • Print the Membership Form and then fill it out completely by hand.

3. Mail in the printed form with your check made out to “Orange County Historical Society.”

Purchase a Membership Using Your Credit/Debit Card

To purchase or renew a membership electronically using your Credit/Debit Card (or Paypal)

1. Select the “Membership Level” from the pull-down menu.

2. Click “Buy Now”.

Membership Level