YOU are our program YOU are our program this December! Rummage through your scrapbooks, closets or garage for an interesting artifact that helps tell us something about Orange County’s past. The Orange County Historical Society’s annual “Show & Tell” program will be held December 10, 7:30 p.m., at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., in Orange.
Maybe you have a tool that was used in picking oranges or avocados. Perhaps you have your name badge from when you worked at Disneyland on opening day. What about great-grandfather’s branding iron, or a tourist tchotchke with a picture of the Old Courthouse on it? Or maybe you just have an outstanding photo of early Orange County that few have seen before. Whatever vintage Orange County curio you may have tucked away, now’s your chance to trot it out, show it off, and briefly tell us something about it. There will be a sign-up sheet when you arrive at the meeting. People will be called up in order of their position on the list.
We look forward to whatever surprises you may have in store for us!